by Shawnee Johnson | Jun 20, 2020 | Goals and Planning
Do you find yourself falling into the habit of thinking you deserve better, or you deserve more? Last week, I decided to drive through McDonalds to grab a sweet tea. I love sweet tea! Since I was hungry, I thought I should just get something off the dollar menu to...
by Shawnee Johnson | Jun 7, 2020 | Debt Elimination, Goals and Planning
If you’ve never heard Dave Ramsey say something like “you’re going to be living on rice and beans until you crawl out from under this debt,” then you probably haven’t listened to his podcast very long or read any of his books. It’s one of his standard comebacks. Of...
by Shawnee Johnson | Jun 6, 2020 | Budgets
What is a sinking fund and why do you need one? Well really, you will need more than one, but the short answer is this. A sinking fund is just a mini savings account or money bucket where you temporarily stash some cash for upcoming needs or expenses. It’s not like a...
by Shawnee Johnson | Jun 5, 2020 | Debt Elimination, Goals and Planning
Right now, in 2020, the national average monthly amount collected for Social Security is $1503. If a married couple retires, and both have paid in enough to receive the full amount, they could have around $3,000 per month coming in. If one spouse did not pay in...
by Shawnee Johnson | Jun 4, 2020 | Budgets, Goals and Planning
Are you tired of living a mediocre life and ready to do something big and adventurous? Is limited money holding you back? It’s time to strip your budget bare. We are talking about getting to basic. What does that even mean? Bare Bones First, getting to basic means...